About us

Auto Direct Cars


AA Appraised and MTA Assured Dealerships

At Auto Direct Cars, we import quality cars directly from our partners in Japan. We listen to our customers requirements and order latest models to suit couple and growing family needs. From trendy hatchbacks to 8 seater vans, we have a range of cars available for you.

We offer a huge range of premier used cars of Japanese and European origin that are all quality checked to assure all our customers requirements are met. We aim to provide the most useful and helpful service possible by reducing your time to deliver the right car for you. All car makes and models including Sedans, Coupes, SUVs, Hatchback, Sport Vehicles & Vans are available. Visit our yard. We are able to arrange affordable finance and AA / VTNZ inspections on any car you wish to buy.

When you purchase your next car from Auto Direct Cars, you can be confident that it's a great deal and that the vehicle is in excellent condition. We're an AA Appraised and MTA Assured dealership, which means we're held to the highest standards for quality and customer service: M368625

Just a few minutes away from the AUCKLAND Airport, we are ready to pick you up for free and take you to the office.

All makes

Popular makes and models

Quality vehicles

Our vehicles are high quality


You can trust us


Top quality service

You can depend on us


All brands

We import quality vehicles from Japan for our customers in the New Zealand.


We are available 7 days a week by phone or by email.

On Time Delivery

Once we commit a date then we try our best to meet the delivery date

Professional Team

Our employees are part of the professional team that delivers on customers expectations


At all times striving to be honest, friendly and courteous, treating all customers as valued customers.


Ensuring the details of your transactions are discussed only with you or your authorised representative

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